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A32 Pro Dante Multimode

32x32 AD/DA, Dante, MADI & ADAT Converter

Merk: Ferrofish

Code: FERA32D


€ 3.699,00

Barcode: 4313042884306

Categorieën: Ferrofish, A32PRO - 32x32 multi-converter,

The A32 Pro Dante Multimode
  • Sample rate from 32 kHz up to 192 kHz
  • 32 x 32 analog I/O channels
  • 64 x 64 DANTE I/O channels (2x RJ-45 Port)
  • 64 x 64 MADI I/O channels (optical or coaxial)
  • 32 x 32 ADAT I/O channels (8 x TOSLINK optical)
  • Stereo S/PDIF optical I/O with sample rate conversion
  • Wordclock I/O (BNC)
  • Headphones output with monitoring matrix for mono-, stereo- and submix signals
  • MIDI I/O (5pin) and MIDI-over-MADI
  • Thermally compensated oscillator with proprietary active jitter reduction circuit
  • Preset Management
  • Analog Devices SHARC® DSP processes all 386 audio channels
  • Sophisticated routing/mixing of all channels
  • 4 x TFT Screens give a detailed overview of all settings and levels at a glance
  • Intuitive one-key-control operating system
  • Multilingual self-explaining always-on help system lets you use the A32 even without the manual.
  • Redundant power supply configuration